Friday, May 9, 2014

Why Louisiana Needs HB 703

House Bill 703 was approved recently by the Louisiana House of Representatives. Now it must be approved by the Senate Education Committee in order to be considered by the full Senate. This bill would prevent BESE from overruling local school boards of school systems rated "C" or higher in the approval of charter schools. Please help to send a large number of emails to the members of the Senate Education Committee requesting that they vote "yes" for HB 703. This bill is vital to the continued health of our public education system. I have listed the contact information for the Senate Education Committee members in one of my posts below.

A very disturbing trend occurring in Louisiana is the adoption of predatory charter schools. See this article in These schools have the potential of wrecking our public education system along with damaging our teacher retirement system. I have written about this in my previous posts.

The blog above by Peter Greene from another state that is experiencing the same problem describes how these charter operators can abuse the system. Just click on the highlighted section of the post above to read the blog.