Thursday, May 7, 2015

Paranoid Grigsby Wants LABI to Drive a Spear Through the Hearts of the Teacher Unions!

This is almost unbelievable! Bob Mann reveals here why delusional Lane Grigsby wants LABI to make the passage of HB 418 denying payroll dues deduction to teachers, the number one priority of LABI! He believes that this denial of a basic benefit to teachers will finally kill the "evil teacher unions"! Please watch the video in this article in by Bob Mann. Grigsby who is a key board member of LABI has somehow convinced himself that if big business could somehow cripple the teacher unions, that finally the ill advised reforms of education pushed by LABI would fix our education system.

This whole fantasy by big business bosses that only the teacher unions prevent the success of their  experiments with education reform is both delusional and paranoid! 

LABI leaders believe that the main reason public education is not producing college ready, work ready, "human capitol" is that thousands of lazy and incompetent teachers are just not teaching hard enough and well enough to get all kids ready for the workforce! No matter that some parents do not send their children to school regularly, and that no one at home sees to it that kids do homework and study for tests, or even pay attention in class. It never occurs to LABI leaders that kids who get kicked out of their homes regularly, don't know where their next meal will be coming from, and have almost no good role models that instill in them a solid work ethic, are just not going to do well in school no matter how hard teachers work.

LABI is convinced that if the Louisiana Department of Education could just require that large numbers of teachers be fired based on VAM scores, and if those teachers had no due process rights, and no organizational support to allow them to challenge unfounded dismissals, the remaining teachers and the new TFA replacements would finally get through to the kids. Good luck with that one!

My opinion is this: If more teachers were active, involved members of their teacher unions, LABI, CABL, John White, Arne Duncan, and Bill Gates would not be using our students as lab rats for their unscientific reform ideas.  HB 418 will be going to the House Floor for a vote of all Representatives (not Senators yet) sometime next week. If you care about the teaching profession, please ask your Representative to vote no on this bill.

Click on this link at the Louisiana Legislature web site to plug in your address so that you can get the contact information for your state representative. You can then send and email or telephone his/her office and leave a message to oppose HB 418.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Legislation Defending Our Public Schools

Breaking News! 2:00 pm, Wed. May 6. HB 166 by Bouie passed the House Ed Committee by a close 9 to 8 vote. HB 21 will be debated in committee next Tuesday, May 12. Please send emails in support of HB 21 and also HB 340 now! Another option is to send a phone message to your rep. on the Floor by calling 225-342-6945 or by calling the legislator's home office.

There are three important bills being heard in the House Education Committee, at 9:00 am, Wednesday, May 6th that could go a long way toward supporting our public schools and restricting predatory charter efforts. (Note: If you click on the bill numbers below you can view the legislation)

HB 21  by Rep. Edwards, prevents BESE from authorizing new charter schools to be located in school districts rated B or above if such schools are opposed by the local school board. BESE has adopted the practice of approving new predatory charter schools in some high performing districts even when the elected school boards saw no need for such schools. This is circumvention of the democratic process. Even the most conservative voters today believe that public policy decisions should be made as close to the local level as possible. But the recent actions by BESE substitute the judgement of a state body in the place of locally elected school boards. New charters that are created in higher performing districts operate on one simple principle: attract and retain only the highest performing students so that the organizers can achieve success not by the excellence of their instruction but more by the ability and motivation of the carefully selected students! This of course, attempts to drain the best performing students from successful school systems and could lower their performance scores. At the same time, such predatory charters damage the teacher retirement system by refusing to pay down their share of the unfunded liability while receiving the full MFP funding. Regular public schools are required to spend almost 25% of payroll on the unfunded liability while the charter operators get to pocket this windfall!

HB 340 by Rep. Edwards would prevent charter schools from recruiting new Kindergarten students from attendance districts that are rated C or above. This bill is designed to close a loophole in the charter school law that violates the original rule that only students in low performing schools would have the option of attending charter schools. Again, the predatory charters are doing their best to attract students from more affluent neighborhoods that produce better academic results. This bill would prevent the poaching of such students by predatory charters.

HB 166 by Rep. Bouie would require that RSD takeover schools that achieve a passing status be returned to their original school boards. This was the original intention of the law creating the Recovery School District, that has been circumvented by the actions of BESE that leave the decision up to the unelected charter school agency instead of to the elected representatives of the people.

Please Contact members of the House Education Committee and ask that they vote "yes" for these three bills.

Here are the email addresses of the House Education Committee members:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,